Other Ministerial Services

Other Ministerial Services We Can Perform

  • Bible Studies

    We lead Bible Studies on relationships, communication, and Conflict Resolution. We can come to your church or your organization and offer a custom designed study for your people.

  • Baptisms

    We are Baptist in Polity. We believe in the believers Baptism by immersion. In Puerto Rico, there is no limit on immersion. This can be a wonderful opportunity to witness to those who would come to see you make your committment to God.

  • Communion

    The Scripture says, For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. (1 Cor 11:26) It can sometimes be difficult to find a means to share Communion. We want to help with that. We want to celebrate Communion with any and all that would partake.

  • Quinceañeras

    A quinceañera is a celebration of a girl's 15th birthday The girl celebrating her 15th birthday is a quinceañera (Spanish pronunciation: [kinseaˈɲeɾa]; feminine form of "15-year-old"). In Latin America, the term quinceañera is reserved solely for the honoree; in English, primarily in the United States, the term is used to refer to the celebrations and honors surrounding the special occasion. Since 2018, there has been a trend going around involving quinceañeras because nowadays there are Latin American adults celebrating their birthdays with the quinceañera they never had at 15. As times have changed over the years, quinceañeras have changed from mother-daughter dances to hiring professional dancers as chambelanes to a variety of party themes. Many Latina women celebrated their dream celebrations as adults because they never had theirs due to financial problems, pressure from parents or family emergencies. We can add a spiritual dimension to these celebratory events.

  • Funerals

    Funerals are a difficult time for all families. Many families do not have a Spiritual connection to serve when needed. Finding the right Minister for the most desired service can be difficult. We do not want you to be burdened with that issue when grief is upon you. We are available 24hours a day.

  • Memorials

    Funerals are a difficult time for any family. It is a time of grief and emotions. When a death occurs in addition to the grief there is the challenge of a funeral. The average cost of a funeral is just short of $10,000.(Time Stamped, 2024). Many are opting to have a mermorial service after the loved one has been properly set to rest. We can help you plan a memorial service and officiate at the service. This service will respectfully memorialize the departed. However, it can also be a joyous celebration of life. Let us work with you in giving honor and reverence to your departed loved one.

  • Loss of Pets

    For many losing a beloved furry companion is like losing a beloved family member. They live with us, share our days, and, no matter our mood, offers unconditional love. There is no doubt we feel a deep loss and grief when we lose our furry family members. It is truly appropriate that they be given a Memorial Service or Celebration of Life. We want to help you with this.

  • Grief Counseling

    We are a trained spcialist in Pastoral Critical Incident Stress Management. We have completed such courses as Psychological First Aid, Pastoral Crisis Intervention I and II, Emotional and Spiritual Care in Disasters, and Grief following Trauma. In addition, we served with the American Red Cross for over 15 years. Finally, we completed training in Clinical Pastoral Education. We know something about grief. When the time comes let us work with you.

  • Visitations

    Sad but true, many of our seniors or infirmed loved ones are home bound and often isolated. We can make Clergy visits to check on and have prayer with them.

  • Prison Visitations

    As the number of ExPats to Puerto Rico continues to grow, there is the emergence of another issue. Some are finding themselves on the wrong side of the Law. Being housed in a Puerto Rico prison and not knowing the Spanish language is a huge concern. As a former Criminal Attorney we can navigate the Criminal Justice System and aide families trying to assist their incarcerated familty member. We can find out information necessary to an adequate defense. Moreover we can let the incarcerated know they have not been abandoned.

Other Ministerial ServicesReverend Garcia served is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Pennsylvania for the past 17 years.  He is a Certified Chaplain with the Amercian Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. He is a member of the International Critical Incident Stress Management Foundation and completed the Specialized Training curriculm in Spiritual Care.

Rev. Garcia served as a part of the American Red Cross, Disaster Services Human Resources, as a Disaster Mental Health Supervisor.  He deployed to 15 states and the Territory of Puerto Rico.

Pastor Ron is empowered to offer a full range of Ministerial services. 

He holds a Master of Divinity, a Juris Doctorate, a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution, and a Graduate Certificate in Chaplaincy.  He is currently working on a Doctor in Ministry, focusing on Chaplaincy.

We have a 24hr Emeregency Number where you can reach us.  We are available 24Hrs a day Monday through Saturday.

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