Pet Grief
We are a Certified Pet Loss Grief Therapist.
We have been where you areand we sincerely want to help. Losing a animal member of your family is a serious loss and should be grieved. Let us navigate the grief with you.
We are a professional member of the Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement.

Magai Story
When I loss my beloved service animal of 12 years I was lost. I lived alone. He was my sole companion and we bonded with a strong sense of symbiosis. He saved me countless times from the demons that often confronted me. My life was my Magai.
Perhaps my greatest source of pride was the way others took immediately to my Magai. As a service animal he was not supposed to be petted or touched. But others simply could not resist.
Magai and I lived in Delaware. In 2021, I decided to move to Puerto Rico. The question became whether Magai would tolerate the 4.5 hour flight from Philadelphia to San Juan. He was so large he took the entire row. The passengers next to me had no place to rest their feet. During the flight Magai never whimpered or attempted to get up. I was so proud of my Magai.
By the way the name Magai is biblical. In The Gospel of Matthew (2:1–12) the Magi, or wise men, were recorded. They were sent by King Herod to find the Christ child so the king could have him murdered. The Magi followed the East Star to a manger. There they found Mary and the baby Jesus and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Instead of returning to King Herod the Magi never returned. Thus they saved the life of the Christ child. The name of my Magai was fitting because he would save my life.
In our second year in Puerto Rico my Magai developed a large mass in his chest. The doctors described it as a cancerous tumor. I tried to hold on to my Magai but he grew weaker and weaker. On my last day with Magai he could not walk. I had to carry him like a baby to the Vet office. There they euthanized my partner. They would not allow me to remain in the room when they did.
I came home and cried myself to sleep. I could not talk to anyone. My neighbors grew so concerned they escorted the Police to my door thinking I was a suicide risk. I struggled with having Magai euthanized, I felt I murdered my best friend. I felt so ungrateful, all the times Magai helped me and I could not help him. I did not want to let my Magai go so I planned a memorial service for my Magai. I invited my “friends.” Only two friends attended here in Puerto Rico. However several joined online. It was a beautiful time of remembrance. I was so grateful to those who attended. I was told the people in Puerto Rico do not consider the loss of a pet a serious loss and they could not understand the grief I was suffering.
I was not sure how life would continue without my Magai. But it was day by day. One day I was looking at the website “Pet Finders.” I saw a beautiful eight week old puppy at a local shelter.They were calling him Deku. I adopted him and his name became OCHA. It stands for One who Came Here After. He is so loving as my Magai was. God blessed and the sun began to shine again. OCHA has been with me for two years. I watched him grow from a puppy to a full grown partner.
Life does in fact go on.