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Existing in Paradise

Our Ten Most Favorite Places in Puerto Rico

We call it La Isla Encanta (The Enchanted Island).  There are few places on the planet more beautiful than Puerto Rico.  Moreover, we, for most, are easy to get to.

Even amongst the totally captivating beauty of our island, we do have a few favorite locations. 


Why Clergy?

How can Ordained Clergy trained in Chaplaincy skills be of assistance to you?

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Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral Counseling, a clinical practice that integrates both psychological and theological concepts into its framework, is not unlike other modes of therapy when it comes to the therapeutic process. However Pastoral Counseling offers much more.

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Learn your top 5 strengths

We also have a Professional website on the Via Institute where we can go deeper with you. 

Our Lead Therapist’s 25 strengths

Trauma Services

Trauma-informed Mental Health care involves a broad understanding of traumatic stress reactions and common responses to trauma.

Providers need to understand how trauma can affect treatment presentation, engagement, and the outcome of behavioral health services.  

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Grief Therapy

Coming to terms with feelings of loss and making sense of it can be a painful process. Grief is a common emotional and sometimes physical response that you feel when you experience loss after a disaster or a traumatic event. Bereavement is a type of grief you experience when you lose a loved one.

Grief occurs across all ages, but adults, adolescents, and children may process it differently. Feelings can range from deep sadness to bursts of anger. Everyone grieves in their own way and time frame depending on the personal attachment to what was lost.

If the loss is too overwhelming to perform your day-to-day tasks, it can take a significant toll on your mental health. You may need to reach out to a professional therapist, psychologist, or a counselor to help you work through the grief.

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What is Pre Marital Counseling

Over the years we have found the couples that complete some level of Pre Marital Counseling do better at marriage.

The question is why?

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What is Cybertherapy?

Pet Grief Therapy

The relationship with a pet is much more than simply owning or being practically responsible for it. For many, the pet is a true life partner, a unique being with whom one forms a deep emotional bond. This relationship is often so strong that it shapes the owner’s very identity. Being “Max’s master” or “Felix’s mom” becomes an essential part of self-definition, a rewarding and structuring role.

Indeed, the pet is a powerful mirror of our personality, our values, and our aspirations. 

The very choice of species, breed, or pet’s name says a lot about who we are and how we wish to be perceived. Some are reflected in the independence and grace of a cat, others in the loyalty and zest for life of a dog. The pet then becomes an extension of oneself, reflecting our deeper identity.

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Chaplain Services

chaplain is, traditionally, a member of the Clergy , or a lay representative of a religious tradition, attached to a secular institution (such as a hospital, prison, military unit, intelligence agency, embassy, school, labor union, business, police department, fire department, university, sports club), or a private chapel. in their role.

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Specialized Training

Chaplaincy Training

The world today more than ever needs the chaplain

With natural disasters such as tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, and other unforeseen events, the church has transformed into more than just a place of worship. It has become a place for pastoral care during times of crisis and offers emotional and spiritual support to those in need.

Providing care during a tragedy is challenging, especially when someone has lost everything or when parents are grieving the loss of a child. Today, emergency services are relying on chaplains for pastoral and emotional care during times of need.

We can help you to train as a Chaplain.  

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